Kristin Cato

Artists: A-J | K-R | S-Z

Artist Statement

These collages were produced as part of a global open submission project titled Februllage, a collaboration between Edinburgh Collage Collective and the Scandinavian Collage Museum, which invites creators to make a collage every day in February based on a word prompt. These two works represent my fluency in both digital and analog methods. Primarily an experimental filmmaker, I have made many collage films from discarded 16mm films, as seen in my ongoing series "The Numbers Project". Over the years, I noticed my creative process relied increasingly on the computer. I now feel drawn toward making work with the most basic of materials and tools: paper, scissors and glue. The domain of childhood. I love the improvisatory process of collage and assembling symbolic material into new combinations.

Artists: A-J | K-R | S-Z


Tavi Carpenter


Frank Cole