Craig Hong

Artists: A-J | K-R | S-Z

Artist Statement

The artist gifted the town with an immense sculpture of a potato. Months after the sculpture was installed for public display, town leaders apologized to the artists for the continuing debasement of the work by unknown pranksters, attaching eyes, lips, ears, hats, bow tie, mustache and stuff. Later, to the relief of the town’s residents, the artist had an exhibition, exclusively featuring the large potato, including documentation of the potato’s numerous incarnations. A transmutative work. 

On the wall of the gallery a cartoon played on a loop, about a nondescript potato in a mound of potatoes, growing massive in size, achieving consciousness, now with limbs, eyes, nose, a mouth and a pugnacious attitude, it began to terrorize the town. Huckleberry Hound is called to task. Sadly, in the end, the great spud is lured onto a rocket that blows up in mid trajectory, potato chips raining down on the intrepid Huck. 


Artists: A-J | K-R | S-Z


Carl Hoard II


Archana Horsting